Mission & Goals


A Community of Lifelong Learners



The staff of the Fortine School pledges, in cooperation with our students and community, to set, attain, and celebrate goals in a safe and nurturing learning environment, encouraging all students to become lifelong learners.



The Board of Trustee's recognizes its' responsibility to fully stress the basics in the district's educational program.  Realizing that we live in a complex and varied society, we know all students should develop an appreciation, a respect, and an understanding of the different peoples and their beliefs.  Recognizing that the world is changing continually it is our obligation, to the best of our ability, to insure that students can cope with these changes through our educational system.

The Fortine School will strive to provide an educational atmosphere that will enable each student to become a "productive and worthwhile citizen," and to develop:

a. A favorable self-image.

b. Physical, mental, and emotional health.

c. Moral and ethical values.

d. The ability to communicate.

e. A motivation for continued learning and self-improvement.

f. The ability to make responsible decisions as an individual.



The Fortine School shall provide an equal opportunity for every student to receive an education which will enable each to fulfill his/her optimum role in society, commensurate with individual ability, in compliance with legal requirements and reflecting the desires of the people.

The instructional programs, methods, and resources shall meet the needs of each individual student, regardless of race, color, caste, creed, sex, or level of ability.  The district recognizes that equal opportunity education does not imply uniformity and that each student’s unique characteristics must be acknowledged.

The instructional programs, methods and materials shall not imply, teach or encourage any beliefs or practices reflecting bias or discrimination toward other individuals or groups and shall not deny others their basic human rights.

The District’s educational program will seek to provide an opportunity for each child to develop to his or her maximum potential.  The objectives for the educational program are:

1. To foster self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-discipline.

2. To develop an awareness of and appreciation for cultural diversity.

3. To stimulate intellectual curiosity and growth.

4. To provide fundamental career concepts and skills.

5. To help the student develop sensitivity to the needs and values of others and respect for individual and group differences.

6. To help each student strive for excellence and instill a desire to reach the limit of his or her potential.

7. To develop the fundamental skills which will provide a basis for lifelong learning.

8. To be free of any sexual, cultural, ethnic, or religious bias.



The philosophy of the Fortine School Volunteer program is that participation in the schools by parents and community members not only fosters the public’s interest in our schools but also enriches the total school program. School volunteers can become an integral part of the school organization and can make a positive difference in the educational environment.


“Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them”

Lady Bird Johnson